Research discussionĀ¶

Mark will kick us off with a discussion about MI research and clarify our expectations in this module.


Some helpful references on these topics include [2,1].


Ioannis Petousis, David Mrdjenovich, Eric Ballouz, Miao Liu, Donald Winston, Wei Chen, Tanja Graf, ThomasĀ D. Schladt, KristinĀ A. Persson, and FritzĀ B. Prinz. High-throughput screening of inorganic compounds for the discovery of novel dielectric and optical materials. Scientific Data, 4(1):160134, 2017. doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.134.


J.Ā Robertson. High dielectric constant oxides. The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 28(3):265ā€“291, 2004. doi:10.1051/epjap:2004206.