1. Acknowledgements

We thank Ryan Miyakawa for organizing the internship, and Ryan and Sinéad Griffin for teaching the other two modules in this sequence (Module 1: EUV Lithography and Module 3: DFT Calculations, respectively). We thank Teresa Calarco, Tiffany Reardon, and the other LBL/UCB staff for their help in organizing the funding and logistics. 🙇‍

We thank the developers of Jupyter Book and the Executable Books Project for creating this software and providing excellent documentation. 🙏 We also thank the DataHub developers at UC Berkeley for the interactive computing resources and technical support.

We are grateful for the support from our friends, colleagues, and mentors over the years, whose incredible wisdom and insights into teaching helped refine our own pedagogy. Enze thanks Prof. Michelle Wilkerson in the UCB Graduate School of Education for her motivating comments and suggestions. And of course, to all of our former and current students (Alexa, Eddie, Kevin, Luis, Mack, and Megan): thank you for your patience and invaluable feedback as you have challenged us to always perform at our best.

Enze further acknowledges Ph.D. funding through the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. DGE-1752814. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
