Day 04: ML speedrun

Welcome to day 🍀 of Module 2 where we will finally learn about the granddaddy of them all: machine learning (ML). We’ll discuss the general, foundational principles as well as special considerations for MI. And we’ll do it all in one day. It’ll be fun. 😎


Today’s synchronous activities will almost surely take the whole day. Get pumped!! 💪

Goals for today

  • Introduce fundamental concepts and terms associated with supervised ML.

  • Practice implementing these concepts using scikit-learn in Python.

  • Discuss some advanced ML models and the intuition behind them so we can identify their utility.

  • Discuss practical considerations when doing ML (for MSE, and more broadly).

Timing for today

  • We will kick off the day on Zoom at 9:00AM.

  • We will have a mix of synchronous lectures and group exercises, interspersed with several short breaks.

  • We will take a longer break for lunch between 12:00PM and 1:00PM.

  • We will also take a break from 3:00PM to 3:30PM.

  • Since we’ll be meeting online for the whole day, we’ll debrief as part of the last session.