

We understand these past two days have been a lot and don’t want to pile on too much more; however, sometimes it helps to hear a different perspective on the same issue, so we recommend skimming the primer by Wang et al. [1]. There are some nice ideas in there!


No new programming assignments! We encourage you to work with your team to decide what data you will need and how to consolidate it in one place (e.g., a single table that you can save as a CSV file for repeated future use).



Anthony Yu-Tung Wang, Ryan J. Murdock, Steven K. Kauwe, Anton O. Oliynyk, Aleksander Gurlo, Jakoah Brgoch, Kristin A. Persson, and Taylor D. Sparks. Machine learning for materials scientists: An introductory guide toward best practices. Chemistry of Materials, 32(12):4954–4965, 2020. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01907.