Day 03: MI researchΒΆ

Welcome to day πŸ•’ where we will contextualize some of the data science topics that we discussed yesterday within the domain of dielectric materials.

Goals for todayΒΆ

  • Learn about dielectric materials and their properties.

  • Discuss how the Materials Project can help us design high-\(\kappa\) dielectric materials.

  • Brainstorm what else needs to be done, what data should be gathered, and begin organizing the data.

Timing for todayΒΆ

  • We will start the day at 9:00AM.

  • Mark will lead a research discussion about dielectric materials.

  • We will have a few more small discussions interspersed throughout the day.

  • Enze will hold drop-in OH from 2:00PM to 3:00PM.

  • We will have our afternoon debrief at the scheduled time.