Day 02: MI and data
Day 02: MI and dataΒΆ
Welcome to day β where we will take a deeper dive into the field of MI with a particular emphasis on data types, data representation, and data storage. As we discussed yesterday, there will be many hands-on exercises for you in these lessons to build confidence and experience working with programmatic tools.
Goals for todayΒΆ
Discuss specific opportunities and challenges for materials informatics.
Work with the most common file types for storing materials data.
Learn how to use the pandas package for working with tabular data.
Introduce the Materials Project database user interface (UI) and its application programming interface (API) with Pymatgen.
Learn how to find and read software documentation.
Timing for todayΒΆ
We will kick off the day at 9:00AM PDT.
We will have a mix of lectures and group exercises, interspersed with several short breaks.
Enze will hold drop-in OH from 2:00PM to 3:00PM PDT.
We will have our afternoon debrief at the scheduled time.