Resources for MSE education
Your contributions are highly encouraged! See below.
In my experience, MSE educators are amazing and will work tirelessly for their students. And if we shared resources more openly, we could reinvent the wheel less and help students even more. I truly believe open science (education) is better science (education).
To test this pet theory, I am trying to compile below a list of all MSE educational resources—broadly defined—that are mostly available online (legally!) in some format. These resources can benefit students who are interested in learning a new topic and instructors who are looking for inspiration from peers. It is my goal to make MSE education more equitable, accessible, and fun.
I hope we can make this page a centralized resource that supports our community! 💙
Catalog and Instructions (README)
Peruse the following Airtable, which can also be found here in larger format. This is a living project and will be frequently updated! A video tutorial can be found here.
Browsing a subtopic? Try Filter by right-clicking on the appropriate column header, e.g., find only
Formats, etc. Don’t use ‘Group’ and don’t try to review everything. -
Know specifically what you need? You can also Search by using Ctrl+F. Please be conservative, e.g., use “comput” to cover different suffixes.
I try to indicate a few personal recs for students 🤓 and instructors 🎓. Filter by this column for a condensed list.
Additional notes
The table is best viewed on desktop. Mobile is decent—you can see individual entries, but can’t filter/search.
The dense text/colors can be overwhelming, I know. So I repeat: Do not look at every resource or be frozen by stress—if nothing else, start with recs.
I had to choose a length scale (granularity), so you may have to do some further digging in a resource (e.g., MIT OCW, Khan Academy) to find precisely the knowledge you seek.
All materials rights belong to their respective owners. All opinions are my own.
Students: Learning is complex and time consuming, and if you’re looking for a silver bullet, this isn’t it. You will have to put in the work to learn the material included in the above resources. But with steady practice, you’ll get there! 🙂
Contributing 💚
There are many ways you can contribute to this project (email/Slack or fill out this form):
- Share your own MSE-related materials!
Put them on Google Drive, a personal website, or elsewhere, and send me a name, URL, and description.
- Readers will greatly benefit from complete sets of lecture notes, practice problems, recordings, etc.
- Non-textbook resources (e.g., interactives, blogs, labs) on specific topics (e.g., soft matter, energy, quantum) are always helpful.
- Suggest missing MSE-related content!
- First search for the name/URL in the catalog to confirm that it is not already listed.
- Correct a listing if the resource has changed or is no longer available.
- Comment on what’s working well and/or what can be improved!
This compilation is motivated by the awesome-X
movement, such as what my friend Kevin Greenman created for chemical engineering or the page for materials informatics.
I thank the following people for resources and/or feedback: 🙇🏼♂️